Friday, October 12, 2012

more adventures

Here are some more memories from the last few months. I told you! We've been busy!

On the very edge of the very top of the world.

Discovering the cabin perched on the very edge of the very top of the world.

Awed by the view.

One of many silly "cheese" faces.

Shopping for new unmentionables.

Evidence of a not-so-carefully-thought-out art project...

Is that momma's chocolate in your mouth? Noooo.

Climbing up the giant steps to get to the giant slide.

That's a mighty tall slide for such a little miss!

On a big girl swing.

Fearlessly launching herself down the bumpy slide.

Proud of her tomatoes.

Where's Squirt?...


Tee hee.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

half birthday

Today is Squirt's half birthday! While she's still a wee squirt, and not much taller than she was at her full birthday, it's amazing to see how far she's come since then. She's really blossoming into her own person, and it's the greatest blessing to be a part of this tiny human's life. Her vocabulary, her interests, her personality are all shooting through the roof and every day, every moment with her is an adventure!

Of course, life with this energetic explorer is anything but boring, which doesn't leave much time for blogging. So, rather than a long, text-heavy post describing her recent awesomeness, here are some photographic memories from the last few months. Happy Half Birthday, Bean!

Mme Crazy Hair. 


Gimme a kiss! *swak*

Have I mentioned she loves to swing?

Her first ever bath in the sink (in August)...

Rockin' the punk hair.

Watching the kitties (mountain lions) at the zoo. 

More zoo fun.

She climbed into her carrier one evening to relax...

Enjoying the grass on one of the last really warm summer afternoons.

She has a thing for sweet potato chips and sour cream...

About to go hiking with her favorite companions: Daddy, Teddy, and Baby.

It's hard work being so cute.

Caught red-handed! ("Helping" momma make brownies.)

If the shoe fits...

Playing with (read: drowning) Teddy in the fountain.

More adventures to come!