Saturday, November 16, 2013


This week, Squirt surprised us with a fun new word: totally. When asked if she likes something that she really likes, or if she wants to do something she really wants to do, she exclaims, "yes, totally!" It's amusing and adorable. Neither I nor her caregivers at daycare can figure out where she picked up the term. It's better than some of the less kosher words she may or may not have picked up from momma, which will not be listed here...

Squirt has also started telling us she "can't" something-or-other. Most notably is that she "can't like" or "can't want" something. Not only does she not like/want that thing, but it is actually impossible for her to do so - she just can't. She also asks us to "hold on a minute" ... a lot. 

She also loves to argue. She'll argue with you about anything. If you change your argument halfway through, she'll change, too, just to be contrary. She loves to argue so much, that I've stumbled upon her arguing with herself! "Are not! Are too! Are not! Are too!..."

Another interesting development this week: hamburgers have trumped pizza as her favorite treat meal. Driving home from running some errands the other day, out of the blue, she told me that she needed a "hambuhbuhgah". I have no idea where she got that idea from, or even how she knew about hamburgers. We - as in me and daddy, never her - have had hamburgers a couple of times since she's joined the family and she's never had them at daycare; she's never shown any interest in them. All of a sudden, she wants a "hambuhbuhgah". Since I didn't have dinner planned out that evening, I thought what the heck. So we had a fancy family fast food date. Upon receiving her kiddie meal, she expertly unwrapped her burger and went to town, happily munching away and telling us how good it was. Now, whenever asked what she wants to eat, rather than her usual exclamation of "pizza!", she now asks for a "hambuhbuhgah". Crazy kid... Totally.

Eating her very first "hambuhbuhgah".

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Halloween seemed to sneak up on us this year! Where did October go?
The weekend before Halloween, we visited a pumpkin patch to enjoy the beautiful weather and let Squirt pick out a pumpkin to carve. There were animals to pet, tiny tractors to ride, corn to play in, and thousands of pumpkins in every shape and size! We picked out two, but haven't had the chance to carve it - we'll have a Thanksgiving Jack 'o lantern!
This year, the Halloween theme at Squirt's daycare was literature. They asked the kids to come dressed as a favorite literary character (and to bring the book to share at story time) then held an adorable parade around the building so the kids could show off their costumes (don't even get me started on all of the Minnie Mouses and Disney princesses... not literary characters). Guess Squirt's costume.
After the excitement of the parade, Squirt and I played at the park across the street. She refused to wear her cape, but insisted on wearing her petticoat. We then picked up dad and wrapped up the evening trick-or-treating with friends. Squirt had the process figured out right away and had a blast! She would purposefully march up to each door, loudly proclaim"trick or treat", then sweetly thank them as she inspected her treats on the way to the next house. She was positively fearless at some of the more scary houses - she laughed and pointed at an animatronic witch that gave me the willies.
I can't believe it's already over, and can't wait until next year. I better stay on my toes, though. Before I know it, Thanksgiving and Jul will be here!

The world's tiniest farmer.
"This one."

 The parade at daycare - the only picture of her in her full costume.

Sad it's a whole year until Halloween comes again.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013


It's so easy, sometimes, to get caught up in day-to-day activities and just bustle through each day, focusing on what needs to be done, on tomorrow, and not slowing down to truly savor the present. Scrolling through older blog posts, I realized I've been slipping back into that rut. Every day has been so busy with myriad necessary mundane activities (laundry, dishes, dinner, more dishes...) that I've been taking for granted Squirt's increasing independence and not pausing to treasure it. Looking back now on the last several weeks, I am overwhelmed with beauty. Squirt is, in so many, many ways, amazingly, breath-takingly beautiful. Yes, she is cute as a button and growing into a gorgeous girl, but what I really see is on the inside. Watching her grow and engage the world is such a joy and, if I had to choose just one word to describe her spirit right now, it would be "beautiful". I am in awe of this tiny human. Looking back, I am reminded (yet again) how fleeting time is with her and how constantly she is changing and maturing. As challenging as two-and-a-half is (and it sure has a lot of challenges!), I wish I could encapsulate this time so I could travel back and visit anytime I wished.

Here are some of the myriad highlights I never want to forget.
  • Squirt finally really likes her grandparents, especially grandpa. He always makes her laugh. The funny thing, though, is that she hasn't figured out that she should call him "grandpa" or "papa" or "hey you"; instead, she simply calls both grandparents "grandma".
  • Every afternoon last week, when I picked her up from daycare, I found Squirt curled up in a quiet corner by herself with books.
  • She's still working on counting. Right now when she "counts," it's always "one, two, seven, eight!"
  • She loves pink. She says it's her favorite color. She loves it so much that when you ask her to identify the color of something, she almost always exclaims, "pink!" Note, though, that she does know her colors and can correctly identify them - I think this is just wishful thinking on her part.
  • More than ever, she loves to help and insists on doing things herself. This can be pretty stressful for both of us. I'm learning to let go and let her help with activities I normally wouldn't (like filling the humidifier or chopping up veggies) and am always amazed by how quickly she learns!
  • She shares. Voluntarily. When she has a cup of chocolates, she will pick out a piece and give it to me (or dad or a friend or all of the above).
  • She can't yet identify the letters of the alphabet (and is still working out the proper order of them in the "ABC song"); however, she can identify every C on the piano and correctly points out the middle Cs on sheet music!
  • She sings often - every day. She sings about her day. She sings made-up stories. She sings noises. She just sings. And it is beautiful.
  • She is so compassionate - she always has been. If she sees a friend crying, she will pat her back and try to soothe her. Not long ago, one of her friends at daycare was upset when her dad dropped her off. Lily gave her a hug, held her hand, and said "i's ok, I wit' you."
  • Squirt's imagination is not only blossoming, but is through the roof! Watching her play is such a delightful adventure. This, I think, is only going to get better in the coming months and years.
  • Right now, she wants only to sleep in my arms. At bedtime, she always asks, "Momma, arm p'ease", then curls up against me. We read (and read and read) before I turn out the lights and she falls asleep (sometimes more easily than others). But she insists on being in the nook of my arm. I doubt this will last much longer, so I really don't mind.
  • She says please (actually, it's more like "p'eeeeeease"), almost always. And she says it with such a sparkle in her eye and the sweetest little smile that it is almost impossible to say no...
  • Every single time she kisses daddy, she turns her head and goes "BLEAH!", pretending to spit his cooties out. <3
  • She hates having pictures taken of her. Anytime she sees a camera (or camera phone) pointing her way, she waves her hands in front of her and yells, "no pi'tures!" For every good picture I have of her, there are easily a dozen "bad" ones...
  • She randomly gives hugs. Every now and then, for no apparent reason, she will stop what she's doing, run up to me or dad, and give us a big hug and a kiss, then resume what she was doing. Sometimes, this includes a spontaneous "I ya you!"
Beautiful girl.
A few more wonderful things came to me right after I saved the above list...
  • Ever since that first frozen yogurt date, Squirt has been crazy about "c'eam". One of her favorite things (and she'll sing about her "c'eam day" both before and after to let you know how much she loves it) is to go on "c'eam dates" at her favorite fro yo joint - the one where they give out cute colored spoons.
  • She also gets adorably excited about getting pizza. If I tell her we're going to have pizza for a meal, she cheers and happily sings her "pizza day, pizza day, pizza day, yaaay" song until she sits down to eat. Even later in the day, if you ask what she did or how her day was, she'll cherrily tell you she had pizza. One of the last times we went to get pizzsa, she told me "I hold pizza in my hands like dis" [holds hands together, palms up], "den I eat pizza wit' my mouth like dis" [pretends to enthusiastically stuff her face with pizza and nosh away].
  • She invented a rather interesting game that she plays all the time with us right now. She proclaims she will eat your [insert random body part here], pretends to eat it, then says "I put it back!" and slaps your body part back in place. This has branched out into everyday life, too. We went to the aquarium last weekend, and she pretended a fish ate her finger and squealed, "Put it back, fish!" She pretended to grab it back from the fish and push it back into place on her hand.

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Oh, how I love the fall! The scent of roasting chile on the cooler air, the turning leaves, balloons dotting the sky... October, especially in New Mexico, really feels like the start of the festive holiday season! And we Burqueños sure know how to start it off with a bang - the International Balloon Fiesta! This year, rather than waking up at an obscene hour to watch a mass ascension, we opted to go to an evening session and watch a glow. We visited when they were launcing the American Challenge Gas Balloon Racers, so we still got to see some balloons go up!

This was Squirt's third visit to the Balloon Fiesta. While her eyes were always just about as big as the balloons she was awed by, this year she really let us know what she thought. She was so excited by everything and chattered away about her favorites (the giant butterfly was, hands down, her favorite). As the balloons began to inflate for the glow, she exclaimed "ooooh! aaaah!" As the sun dipped below the horizon, we walked amongst the towering balloons as they glowed from within. It was magical and, as always, I can't wait for next year!
Her traditional "pin hat" - every serious Fest-goer must have one!
Pouting because she wanted to see the racers right now.
The racers inflating. 
Much happier once she got to see the racers inflate.
The racers started launching as the other balloons started to inflate.
The last racer lifted off just as the sun set.
Some of the special shapes.
The glow!
Good night, moon.

Friday, August 30, 2013


The aforementioned family reunion came and went and everybody more or less survived (though there were a few hair-raising moments). This was Squirt's first big trip away from home! This was the first time she's ever been in the car for longer than about an hour and the first time she spent more than one night away from home since her birth. It was pretty tricky - she had some pretty big emotions and thoughts about the whole thing; but it was also pretty fun. On the ride there and back, we stopped at the halfway point for lunch and hikes, which was really fun. It was also  neat to introduce Squirt to family members I hadn't seen since before she was born. She wasn't sure what to make of that weird bunch of folks and felt it very necessary to remind them (often) that I was her mommy. Not theirs.
The trip there

Views of the lava flow and sandstone bluffs.

Munching on liverwurst and explaining how she is going to climb up the rocks "with [her] feet".
The approach.
The ascent.

The view.

That face...
Marvelling at the tiny frogs in the rainwater accumulated at the top.
The time there

First things first. Play time! Also, her first time on a tire swing.
The morning fog rolling through the canyon.

It's just gorgeous out there!

Learning to pan for gold with Papa (she still calls him "grandma").
He's pretty proud of his little prospector!

Riding the "train" with daddy.


Being silly with her great Uncle D.

Playing on the "train" with her great Auntie P.

Very seriously driving the "train".

Meeting her great, great Uncle B.

She insisted on playing in the rain, then got upset that she was wet.
 The sunlight through the trees (taken by a cousin).
It rained and rained and rained, but was still so lovely.

The trip back
Hiking up to the big arch.
Showing off her big muscles.