In just two short months, Squirt will turn two! I can't believe it's almost here! While she's been in the throes of toddlerhood for months now, and has definitely started rehearsals for the "terrible twos," she's still my baby girl, she's still only one... for two more months. Then there's no denying it. She'll officially be a toddler, a little kid, one more big step on her journey to adulthoodeyness. I find myself wondering where the time went, but the answer is always right in front of me: it went into her. She's grown, learned, developed so much. Every day for her seems to be a great adventure where she discovers more of the wonders around her. I've said it before and I'll say it again, but it truly is amazing to be a part of her life and to watch her bloom. These next couple months are going to be quite the roller coaster as we deal with changes at home, try to grow together as a family, and approach the BIG day. The only surety right now is that she will be there, she will be awesome, and she will continue conquering the world, one teensy-weensy step at a time.
On a mid-winter trip to the Botanical Gardens.
Sharing some chai at the gardens.
Kicking the Enemy.
Shopping with momma.
That's how we roll.
LOVES bath time.
Getting ready to open her own art gallery.
Nap time in her big girl bed.
Rocking rocking rocking.
Gleefully swinging with Honey Joe.
Wondering what the next two months have in store for the family that... well, that is.