Sunday, June 15, 2014


Whatever. This is a new term Squirt discovered this past week. It's first use was: "What-evah, dad. What-evah." I think I speak for both of us when I say that I don't know if we should laugh or cry at this new development... both, probably. Similarly, when she's upset with someone, she'll tell them she's not their friend. Fickle three year old. A few weeks back, I even got an "I can't love you" when I really ticked her off... Note the use of "can't" - not only is she so upset that she no longer loves me, she actually can't love me. *sigh*

But she's not always a little toddler monster. So often, she is a vibrant ball of energy. One of her favorite games right now is to pretend to be mommy or the teacher - you know she's playing this role playing game when she starts calling you "honey." When that happens, don't make the mistake of calling her by her name. Trust me on that one... I've had to relocate several of the pots in one of our kitchen cupboards because, gosh, it's her car, honey. She uses it to drive her honey's (usually Lambie, but sometimes another random doll) to "school", where she promises she'll come back later (and like every good mom, she always does). I enjoy watching her pretend to be mom or teacher because it gives me a glimpse into her day. She plays out various interactions she's had throughout the day (at least in the instances I know about, often verbatim, just with her as the mom and me or Lambie as her). It's interesting to see how she processes frustrating situations, like potty accidents or disagreements with other kids. If I want to know what's *really* going on with her at daycare, I just need to sit back and watch - sooner or later, she'll play out whatever situations really resonated with her.

That said, it really is delightful to just sit back quietly and watch her play. She is so imaginative and enthusiastic. There are dragons in the bathtub and fairies in the flowers. She can see thunder and has long conversations with Deuce, who talks about how crazy life is in the belly (and she talks all about her day, often in more detail than she actually tells me). She also has a "ghost friend" who lives in the bedroom by the window and keeps us safe while we sleep (he magically appeared the first day I cracked the window so the swamp cooler would cool the room)... She is always up to something, always exploring, always trying to find new things to do, which can be pretty exhausting. As always, it's so easy to get mired in the stressful, tiring parts of the day that we overlook the truly beautiful moments, which are countless. I just need to take a tip from her when I'm getting caught up in the stress of the moment and just shake it off with a big what-evah. These beautiful moments are too fleeting to be overlooked.

Not entirely sure what I stumbled upon in the back yard... whatever.

Monday, June 9, 2014

into three

We are now well into three. Squirt seems to be working her way over that big, birthday hump that seems to come every year. I have to say, so far, that the phrase should really be "terrible threes", rather than twos. It's been a pretty emotional, intense few weeks! Who knew such tiny people had such BIG opinions and feelings about the universe?! In all fairness, though, being a toddler must really suck. Everything is too big for you. You're not supposed to touch anything. Nobody understands you most of the time. You can't live off cookies and gummybears (two of Squirt's most favorite snacks/meals right now) - or at least nobody will let you. Your schedule is almost entirely dictated by other people, and you have very little say in the matter. Almost none of the really awesome, loud noises you figured out you can make are acceptable. You can't run around naked everywhere. Yo're expected to stop whatever awesome thing you're doing and use the frikin' toilet. You're not allowed to hit people who tick you off, rather, you're supposed to "use your words" - the very same words no one frikin' understands! So ok, ok. Obviously, there are reasons three is rough for everybody. But it's not all arsenic and venom. There are a lot of absolutely heart-melting moments that make me wish I could freeze time. Of course, I'm too exhausted and sleep-deprived to remember them all right now... So here are some snapshots of Squirt's adventures in three.

We took Squirt to a "jumpy place" for her birthday (it's a facility filled with different jumpy houses - I'm really not sure what to call it). She was pretty apprehensive at first, but started having a blast once she figured things out. We gave her a big red wagon, which she now wants to take everywhere. Mostly, she just wants to pull it everywhere, but she'll sometimes actually *ride* in it.

We attended a now traditional potluck/egg hunt hosted by some dear friends. I tried to kill her early on (while carrying her across the park, I tripped and we both fell into the rocks! ouch!), but it, as always, was a blast. She seemed to have fun hunting for the eggs, though she was pretty slow about it...

At the zoo
Squirt asks to go to the zoo almost every week to see the "mam'imuls". I think the real reason she wants to go, though, is to feed the ducks - that seems to be her favorite thing to do there...

Her favorite mode of transport.
Out and about
Here we are checking out the new Railyard Market downtown.

Her first cotton candy.
... and hiking. Well... some of us. I'm so happy to have the mountains so close!

Hiking with my babies... Deuce is just over 20 weeks in this.

Keeping cool
Needless to say (but I'll say it anyway), it's going to be a long summer! I remember constantly being too hot when Squirt was in the belly. And that was in the dead of winter during a record-breaking cold snap! I'm already looking forward to fall, for so many, many reasons! But we'll do what we can to enjoy the long summer days and stay cool.

 This pool used to be a lot bigger...
"Neked" is her favorite state of being.

Always such a cool kid.