Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Since I've started on this latest Whole30, I have, out of necessity, been thinking more about food. While our usual fare is already pretty aligned with a paleo menu (minus our much beloved butter), this has been a good excuse to shake things up. I've been having fun finding new recipes and meal ideas to add variety, but I've also been thinking about ways to involve Squirt more in meal-time - especially selection and preparation. I firmly believe - and see time-and-time again - that one of the biggest causes of obesity and ill-health is poor knowledge of menu planning and food preparation. So few of my adult friends and colleagues actually know how to properly prepare nutritious meals and find it so daunting that they often reach for prepared substitutions (full of chemicals, mystery ingredients, and things I don't even want to mention). And how many young adults leave home even knowing how to plan a balanced meal and make wise choices, rather than living on take-out and fast food?

Yes, I realize Squirt is very young - too young, some might argue, to even understand this stuff. But I don't think it's ever too early to start building the foundation of good habits and smart choices. I'm going to start thinking of ways I can start involving Squirt more in mealtimes, so she can learn how to cook - and I mean really cook from scratch, no soup mixes, no canned foods, only fresh, whole ingredients - and learn how to make healthy choices while enjoying treats in moderation (rather than gorging on them excitedly every chance she gets because they're so restricted). Looking back, I've already started taking steps in this direction with her introduction to solids - baby led weaning. She has always been presented with real foods in their real form (she was never spoon-fed purees of whatever-the-heck-came-from-that-jar). She explored her foods, inspecting them, feeling them, smelling them, tasting them, and then, finally (and I really mean finally) eating them. She developed her own tastes and preferences. Another step in this direction was entirely incidental - throughout her life, she has been with me in the kitchen, quietly observing me from her perch on my back or hip as I prepare dinner. Now I plan on taking that passive observation into active participation. Right now it is as simple as her throwing ingredients in the pot and stirring. She smells the food with me and watches as I plate it. Soon, I will have her help me as I shop (and harvest), letting her select some of our produce. As she gets older, she can continue to help more in planning and preparation, and I will continue to introduce her to increasingly varied flavors and cooking styles.

Happy helper, mixing up her broccoli bites.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

lavender in the village

This weekend was the long-awaited Lavender in the Village Festival in Los Ranchos. I was so excited to go, since they didn't host one last year. Squirt and I went on our usual market day - our farmer's market was just down the street. We picked up a bunch of cherries, plums, and apples, then hopped on the bus to the festival. It was hot as Hades and already pretty crowded, so we didn't stay long or do very much (we'll pick our own lavender next time), but it was still fun. One of the local farms had animals out for the children to pet, much to Squirt's delight, and I got some much-enjoyed lavender lemonade as a treat. She loved dancing to the funky blue-grass music and I was excited to find a bottle of Hippopotamus Repellent from my favorite lavender farm located in the middle-of-nowhere place I grew up. I'm looking forward to next year when she will be older and better able to do more of the activities!

Her second self-portrait, taken on the ride to the festival.

Action shot: waving and saying "hi duck!"

A bit wary of the frolicking baby goat just off camera...
(Note the smear of plum on her dress.)

The crazy chickens actually let her pet them.


Made in the shade with lemonade!

Friday, July 13, 2012

one and a quarter

Yesterday was Squirt's fifteen-month check-up at the pediatrician's office. She is **drum-roll** healthy and fantastic. Except for those pesky molars, but we try to not talk about those... Oh please, just make them go away!... For those who are interested in this sort of thing, she's still wee - 30 inches tall and a dainty 20 pounds even. She officially weighs the same as my lightest kettle bell (I coulda told you that...). Despite being petite, she is sharp as a whip and the doc marvelled at her sporadic sentence-building (remarking that most children don't string words together until their second birthday - and to think, I was worried) and ability to follow fairly abstract commands. What can I say? She's a smarty britches. But we've already discussed this in a few posts. I'm a bit concerned about her slow growth, but the doc wasn't. She eats very well at home and dismally at daycare, so I'm sure that's where the problem, if there even is one, lies. There's nothing I can do about that, though, so I'm just going to make a more concerted effort to have high-calorie, nutrient-dense snacks always available at home.

This week has been pretty fun. Squirt's been continually impressing me with her growing vocabulary. Yesterday was especially fun. When we got home from our doctor visit, our boy cat came running out to greet us. She smiled, waved, and said "hi," then started looking around quizzically. "Radar?" she asks. Then wanders through the house calling for the other cat until she finds her (obviously to Radar's dismay). She also very proudly exclaimed to me, "Hiii, I looove you!" before running off to play. I almost died right there. When reading her bedtime story, she pointed at the page and announced "duck" (and it was actually a duck). She tried to convince me that the picture of the owl was also a duck, but, while I may have been wroung about that plane/car thing, I was firm that, no, it was an owl. She finally gargled something that sounded like "ggggooowll." Ok, I'll take it. Owl.  

Squirt has also started drinking with a regular, big-girl cup! The other evening at dinner I could not for the life of me find one of her sippy cups and she was thirsty and really letting me know it. In a hurry, I just grabbed a regular cup and filled it up with water - here, have fun, we'll mop later. I watched her with fascination as she carefully picked up the cup, slowly brought it to her mouth to take a big sip, and gently sat it back down on the table, smacking her lips with satisfaction before digging into dinner. Wow. Way to go! No mopping required. I tried it again last night, just to see if it was a flook. Same result. Happy slurping, sans mopping. She, as you can see below, is pretty proud of herself, too.

On a side note, I'm in the midst of another Whole30. I'm pretty disappointed with how sloppy I've gotten with my eating (and am surprised at the associated health impacts of that) and have decided I need to re-establish a healthy relationship with my food. I expected the first week or so to be rough and full of cravings, since I'd been eating pretty much whatever I wanted whenever I wanted for a few weeks now, but so far it's been smooth sailing. It's like putting on a pair of comfortable old shoes, honestly. It feels good. It helps that Daddy-o is on board with me (mostly). As part of this, I've embarked on a quest to shake up our menu, which - even when we're being paleo - tends to revolve around a few similar meals. Don't get me wrong, they're fantastic meals! But it's not fun anymore. So I'm collecting paleo (or easily modified to be paleo) recipes that I've never tried before to throw into the rotation. Last night was our first new thing - paleo Swedish meatballs! I thought it would be a very appropriate first experiment, given our family's Scandinavian heritage. And they were a hit! Now I'm excited to start finding more traditional Scandinavian meals that we can modify, so Squirt gets a taste of Daddy's homeland. I'll let you know how it goes and might even post a few recipes or two if I find anything fantastic.

Washing down her Swedish meatballs with a big-girl cup.

Multi-tasking - brushing her teeth in the bath tub.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Squirt and I were playing on the floor and watching "My Little Pony." The episode ended and I stood up to start the next episode and she jumped up and squealed something that I swear was, "I love youuuu!"


She grinned and hugged me before starting her adorable theme song dance. Did she just tell me she loved me, or am I crazy?


Miss Independence celebrated her second Independence Day this week (though, honestly, her first wasn't noteworthy). I wanted to do something special to celebrate, but every "event" I found didn't start until the evening and with her recent recurrence of sleep issues and night terrors, I wanted to stick to her nighttime routine. So fireworks were out. We shifted our fun up into the morning and went to the zoo. I let Squirt explore freely - pretty much for the first time ever - following close behind. She was fiercely independent yesterday, and it was fun to see her discover the exhibits for herself. She loved the big cats (is anyone surprised?), excitedly proclaiming "Radar!" when one of the mountain lions approached her. We also went on the train tour of the zoo, which is something neither of us have done. She was pretty excited until I wouldn't let her get up and leave halfway through... We stayed and wandered the zoo longer than I think we ever have, so we were pretty tuckered out when we got home. We spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing and playing at home. Squirt discovered the wonders of Momma's sunglasses and found a new, slightly less roomy "boat." All in all, it was a pretty relaxing day. Just don't ask me about the camel spider incident that night...

Showing her American pride on her way to daycare.

Watching the conductor on the zoo train.

Fascinated by the seals. Cannot get close enough...

Note the lack of a nose...

They swam by so very close...

She could almost touch them!

Taking a break on the green.


This "boat" seems a bit less roomy than the other one...

Her movie star sunglasses.

Practicing those front squats.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Last night, Squirt joined the ranks of the likes of Vincent van Gogh, Frida Kahlo, and Leonardo DaVinci. That is to say that she has captured her first self-portrait.

Last night, Squirt was in a pretty volatile mood (I blame molars and inescapable heat). There was almost nothing I could do to cheer her up. We played "boat" with the laundry basket, with me pushing her through the house as she made bbbbbrt noises. I used my phone to sneak a few pictures of her. She was fascinated (and I was getting tired), so I showed her the pictures on my phone. She pointed and cheesed at the pictures of herself and figured out how to scroll through the other pictures. I took a picture of myself and showed it to her - she waved and declared "Momma!" She was happy and I needed to finish cooking her dinner, so I left her in her "boat" with my phone and cooked up some curried lamb and cauliflower (which was a hit, thankyouverymuch). I took the phone from her as I sat her down to eat. "Upload complete." What? What upload? What heinous thing did she do??? The little notification disappeared as soon as I read it... It was all rather ominous (but maybe I've just watched far too many Cold War spy movies). We went about our nightly routine and I completely forgot about that little notification.

Until this morning.

I woke up to multiple notifications on my phone about people "liking" or commenting on my new photo on facebook. What photo? When I venture to look, I'm greeted with a picture of Squirt. A picture I did not take nor upload. Apparently, when I left her to her own devices as I finished dinner, she had captured her very first self-portrait and decided to share it with the world...

Squirt: self-portrait. A study of toddlerhood.