Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Last night, Squirt joined the ranks of the likes of Vincent van Gogh, Frida Kahlo, and Leonardo DaVinci. That is to say that she has captured her first self-portrait.

Last night, Squirt was in a pretty volatile mood (I blame molars and inescapable heat). There was almost nothing I could do to cheer her up. We played "boat" with the laundry basket, with me pushing her through the house as she made bbbbbrt noises. I used my phone to sneak a few pictures of her. She was fascinated (and I was getting tired), so I showed her the pictures on my phone. She pointed and cheesed at the pictures of herself and figured out how to scroll through the other pictures. I took a picture of myself and showed it to her - she waved and declared "Momma!" She was happy and I needed to finish cooking her dinner, so I left her in her "boat" with my phone and cooked up some curried lamb and cauliflower (which was a hit, thankyouverymuch). I took the phone from her as I sat her down to eat. "Upload complete." What? What upload? What heinous thing did she do??? The little notification disappeared as soon as I read it... It was all rather ominous (but maybe I've just watched far too many Cold War spy movies). We went about our nightly routine and I completely forgot about that little notification.

Until this morning.

I woke up to multiple notifications on my phone about people "liking" or commenting on my new photo on facebook. What photo? When I venture to look, I'm greeted with a picture of Squirt. A picture I did not take nor upload. Apparently, when I left her to her own devices as I finished dinner, she had captured her very first self-portrait and decided to share it with the world...

Squirt: self-portrait. A study of toddlerhood.

1 comment:

  1. wow, she is an amazingly smart child! AND beautiful as her mother!
