Tuesday, January 20, 2015

blissful blur

As we welcome in the new year, along with it's beautiful possibility, we also celebrate the third month Deuce has been in our arms. These three months - indeed, the entire year - have passed by so quickly; in hindsight, it was a blissful blur of snuggles, sleeplessness, and growth filled with kisses, tears, and smiles. I wish I could have frozen time and lived forever in that special bubble but, alas, that chapter has, all to quickly, closed, and it is now time to step back into the real-world.

Since it was such a surreal blur, I can't seem to gather the words to describe these last three months. Here are some highlights to, hopefully, provide a glimpse into this tender time. <3

10 October
Baby Deuce was born this afternoon, fast and furious, at 1500 hours. He looks just like his sister did <3

12 October
Everyone survived the first night together. Squirt has a lot of big emotions, but is head over heels for Baby Deuce. Dad-o and I had to tag team a particularly nightmaris diaper, though...

14 October
Well, it had to happen sooner or later. My son just peed on me during a diaper change. Pretty impressive range for such a little dude. Missed my face, at least.

16 October
Deuce lost his cord last night. Stop growing up so fast!!!

17 October
Deuce is already one week old! It's been so surreal and I think I'm still in shock from the birth (recently learned there's actually a name for what happened - precipitous labor). It feels like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant. What a crazy year so far!

Venturing out to a little fall festival. 

How is one expected to "sleep when baby sleeps" when this is too cute to miss?

Getting ready to take a bath together. The washcloth is because of lessons learned the hard way...


21 October
"My newborn son can apparently hold his own head up. Huh. His sister could do that, too." -Dad-guy
30 October
Squirt asked to hold her bruddah for the first time tonight. She didn't want to give him back! He'll be three weeks old tomorrow!

7 November
Baby Deuce got me up at 5am, chattering and babbling away. It's hard to be mad at him, because he keeps making the craziest, cutest faces, every now and then with the teensiest smile. He's gained two pounds since he came home, and is now as big as Squirt was at birth, though he's ahead of her on a few things - he's already had his first cold and his first hike. I can't believe it's been a month! It's surreal.

One month old. They're plotting something...

Seasonal babywearing.

How I manage to get ready for the day with this early bird.

A warm fall morning at the zoo. She loves the "giraffeses".
My tiny hunk getting ready for a pub date with daddy.
9 November
... my 30 pound daughter just deadlifted my 25 pound kettlebell!
Me: "Did you have a good day at school, Squirt?"
Squirt: "No. I had a bad day."
Me: "Oh? What made it bad?"
Squirt: "It just was." ... I've totally been there, sweetie girl.
Relaxing together.

She now often asks to hold him, even though he's a third her weight.
17 November
When I picked up Squirt at school today, she told me that she "really, REALLY missed bruddah" and proceeded to cover his cheeks in approximately one million kisses.
She adores him <3
She was all over the place when we visited the children's museum.
Playing with my old Popple.
1 December
"Wanna put your infant/toddler to sleep? Take two Tom Waits and call me in the morning." -Dad-guy 
5 December
Baby-guy is two months old today! Hod did that happen?! Time flies by way too fast.
8 December
Deuce just chuckled in his sleep with a big ol' grin on his face.
"Mommy, my poop has wings and flied away. It's gone now." -Squirt, in response to a query about her needing the potty
9 December
I thought I'd have more than two months to worry about this sort of thing - Deuce just rolled himself off the couch. He's ok. I'm annoyed. Squirt's totally freaking out that he might have hurt himself. Sheesh... 
I *finally* caught a smile!
Poppin' tags at the thrift shop.

He's trying SO hard to squiggle around.
19 December
It's been a tough week. Found out hubby's dad passed away, had another one of my bestest of besties move away, and returned to work. Somehow, we all made it through, though I'm not sure how. In more uplifting news, Baby-guy is a full ten weeks old today. His smiles and snuggles fill our hearts to overflowing.
A Christmas miracle! Napping at the same time!

This goofy grin...
"My son does most emphatically NOT approve of my Chewbacca imitation." -Dad-guy
2 January
Deuce is already three months old!
Squirt makes him laugh.
"I guess he's kinda cute." Dad-guy

12 January
Last night, as I tucked her into bed, Squirt wrapped her arms around me and said, "Momma, don't ever, ever die. Promise me." I hugged her super tight and told her I'd do my best...
"Mom! There are tiny, fluffy ice cubes falling from the sky!" -Squirt
 She finally figured out winking! (Sorta...)
19 January
Squirt won a toy from one of those evil, impossible claw machines on her very first try (ever). And not just any toy, but the one she actually wanted!
20 January
Deuce starts daycare today...
What a crazy year we have ahead of us! 


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