Friday, April 4, 2014

one week

In one week, just ONE week, Squirt turns three. It really feels like a big transition to me. She's been maturing and growing so fast recently. It feels like once we cross that line, she'll no longer be my baby, my tiny girl - she'll be my BIG girl, my preschooler. It's so bittersweet. I remember the first weeks with her, how every colicky day seemed to last a lifetime, and now here we are. Days away from preschool. A girlfriend has referred to her girl, just a week younger than Squirt, as three going on thirteen. That is so true. More and more, I see glimpses of the big kid, the teenager, the adult. As always, I'm so amazed at this unique, amazing person, and so thankful to have her in my life, and to be a part of hers.

In other news, it feels like there's a rave going on in my uterus. I've been feeling gentle thumps and the "bubbles" sensation off and on for a couple weeks now, but today, this little monster has been going to town. I cannot believe how early I've started feeling movements - with Squirt, it was pretty close to 20 weeks. I think I felt the light bubbles/butterfly wings sensations periodically around 16, but really didn't feel anything noticeable until much later. So this is crazy. If this is any sign of what's to come, wow... we're in for one heck of a ride with these two Tasmanian devils!

Tiny Squirt, doing what she did best those first several weeks.

Now she's almost all grown up.
Adore that crazy hair, those rosy cheeks, and dirty everything <3