Sunday, February 12, 2012

like a fish

Today, Squirt went to the pool for the first time! Even before we left the house, she knew something was up. She got excited when I pulled out her swimsuit. This was something new! She grinned and giggled and pulled at is as I put it on her, obviously fascinated by this novel outfit. Happy to see that it did fit, I tried to take it off and put her in something warmer so she could take her much-needed nap, but she had other ideas! It was like trying to undress a caffeinated jelly fish (use your imagination). Needless to say, she napped in it... Afterwards, she actually let me pull it off to change her diaper (here's a brilliant idea for the swimsuit companies out there: infant swimsuits with snaps) and put her in a cloth swim diaper.

I wish I could have taken a picture of her face when we first walked into the pool area. I had never seen her eyes so wide (and that's saying something!). That was so much more water than the bathtub! She was so adorably fascinated! Her eyes were absolutely enormous the whole time, and she sucked in her tiny top lip so her bottom stuck out extra far. She only changed her expression periodically when she would suddenly, inexplicably burst into squealing laughter before sucking her lip back in. In the pool, she would paddle her arms and legs, trying to move and loved bobbing and splashing. She was deeply fascinated with the swimmers in the lap lanes next to us and was constantly trying to take it all in, trying to figure out this new experience. She took to the water like a fish and I am so eager to take her back sometime soon!

Ready to take a dip!

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