Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Halloween seemed to sneak up on us this year! Where did October go?
The weekend before Halloween, we visited a pumpkin patch to enjoy the beautiful weather and let Squirt pick out a pumpkin to carve. There were animals to pet, tiny tractors to ride, corn to play in, and thousands of pumpkins in every shape and size! We picked out two, but haven't had the chance to carve it - we'll have a Thanksgiving Jack 'o lantern!
This year, the Halloween theme at Squirt's daycare was literature. They asked the kids to come dressed as a favorite literary character (and to bring the book to share at story time) then held an adorable parade around the building so the kids could show off their costumes (don't even get me started on all of the Minnie Mouses and Disney princesses... not literary characters). Guess Squirt's costume.
After the excitement of the parade, Squirt and I played at the park across the street. She refused to wear her cape, but insisted on wearing her petticoat. We then picked up dad and wrapped up the evening trick-or-treating with friends. Squirt had the process figured out right away and had a blast! She would purposefully march up to each door, loudly proclaim"trick or treat", then sweetly thank them as she inspected her treats on the way to the next house. She was positively fearless at some of the more scary houses - she laughed and pointed at an animatronic witch that gave me the willies.
I can't believe it's already over, and can't wait until next year. I better stay on my toes, though. Before I know it, Thanksgiving and Jul will be here!

The world's tiniest farmer.
"This one."

 The parade at daycare - the only picture of her in her full costume.

Sad it's a whole year until Halloween comes again.


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